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Honoring Your Intentions Can Summon Divine Intervention

By |April 16th, 2013|

Stunning! Sheer beauty everywhere!

After a mile climb, I reached my destination. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was above the tree line, on a mountain ridge. To me, it was Heaven. I was turning… spinning… Heck, I may as well […]

Soul Searcher #2

By |September 25th, 2012|

What one powerful lesson have you learn by going through something difficult in your life?

Get REAL… Be OPEN… Join the Conversation…


Soul Searcher Question #1:

By |September 22nd, 2012|

What do you keep hidden from others for fear of not being accepted?
Get REAL… Be OPEN… Embrace your authenticity.  Jump into the conversation…

Sh!t in the Rear View Mirror

By |August 30th, 2012|

A recent weekend road trip to the wine country in Michigan led to a different outcome than I had expected. Overloaded with 15 years of built up stress and leaving behind some personally volatile situations; I felt the need to […]

4 Quick Tips for Processing Emotions

By |August 30th, 2012|

When uncomfortable feelings arise our tendency is to rid them by ignoring them or reacting in ways that do not serve us in the long run. Here are 4 quick tips to quickly process and continue moving forward throughout your […]

Chips, Chocolate, & Chardonnay – 3 C’s to Living Large

By |August 29th, 2012|

Ten pounds over my ideal weight, frustrated with my lack of motivation to exercise, I found myself standing in the kitchen ready to stuff a handful of salty fat-filled chips into my mouth. At that moment, I heard a soft […]

5 Ideal Friends: An Exercise in Gratitude and Developing the Friendships You Desire

By |August 29th, 2012|

Every December I spend time working on my goals, dreams, and aspirations for the up-coming year. Ironically I was also finishing up a coaching certification and was asked to do an assignment on friendship. I was dreading it! I felt […]

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